12 Jan 23
經朋友介紹,與Elaine初步在電話表明了兒子到澳洲升學意向。 雖然公司不是老牌agent,但感覺Elaine給我的意見很中肯。為了趕及提早插班, 辦理文件的時間變得緊湊,當中更出現一些小插曲,Elaine不厭其煩的為我一一跟進。 若果沒有她的豐富經驗,簽證有機會趕不及如期發出。 今天兒子已順利展開他的新學習生活,多謝Elaine在這段時間的細心協助, 希望她在未來的日子, 幫助更多的學生展翅飛翔, ,公司發展一日千里。
10 Dec 22
首先要非常感謝Elaine的幫助,讓我成功申請大學。 我是在Jupas放榜後才決定去外國讀書,時間非常之趕急。由於從沒想過要去國外讀書所以對於申請國外大學一無所知。幸好在朋友的介紹認識了Elaine。在選擇大學、學科時,會把澳洲八大收生條件的資料發給我,讓我可以在最短的時間內選出最適合我的大學和學科。在申請大學、學生簽證時,Elaine會詳盡的給我們解釋手續內容,讓我們既清晰又快捷的完成所有手續。 除了申請手續外,還會提供有關在澳洲住宿的建議,讓我和我的家人清楚知道當地住宿的情況。在我Year 1下學期時,決定了轉科,Elaine亦會一路跟進協助申請轉科的手續。 再次衷心感謝Elaine的幫忙!
15 Nov 22
As I am planning to study abroad, I have to achieve the result of all band 7. It’s hard for me as I didn’t practice English for a long time and I am weak at this language, so I find a tutor to help me. In the beginning, I am diffident since it was really a challenging task. During the lessons, my tutor was very patient and keep practicing with me. He not only corrected my pronunciation but also frequently provided me with feedback on my writing, clearly indicating areas that I could work on. I can’t say my English is perfect now, but it has improved a lot because of my tutor's patience in teaching, and I very much appreciated that. Clement
20 Jun 22
親愛的李生、張小姐: 非常感謝你們一路以來的支持和幫助!自從決定了要出國留學,一切不容易盡在不言 中,從中學開始,你們就一直都非常負責任地一直跟進,非常謹慎細緻——上至在國外的安全生活起居,將自己所能授予的經驗說給懵懂的我聽,下至學業檔案資料的整理, 井井有條分類得當,給人強烈的安全感!甚至是在有一次年幼的我需要做職業選擇的測試時,也是你們一手幫忙,當時我想到人際中的種種困難,不禁流下眼淚,測試結果顯示我適合做一個藝術類相關的事業,是你們一直安慰我,並且給予我百分百的信任和發揮空間,更是不吝嗇於誇獎我的敏感靈動是一種藝術家的直覺和必然的人格,因為你們的一些話,或許在那時就讓我已經下定決心要當一個導演。我發自內心的感受到有了你們盡心盡力的協助,做我最堅強的後盾,終於讓我有了底氣繼續前進追尋夢想。在最艱難的時候,是你們一直給我信心鼓勵著我,也一直相信我能夠做到。在遞交申請的前後,感謝你們一直對我不離不棄、陪伴左右安撫我的緊張不安,並加以指導,告訴我如何應對各種流程,才能順利完成任務。如今我終於得以考上心儀的London College Of Communication電影實踐專業,也有你們的功勞!再次感謝你們一路上的幫助和陪伴, 若是晴天,你們便是招來斑斕雲霞和燦爛暖陽的一陣溫暖的微風;若是有雨,你們便是那堅定不移的傘——在黑夜裡的燈,引領我走出困境! 你們的學生, 李洛儀敬上
15 Mar 22
Thank you for your long-lasting support for my study, not once but twice. It's an amazing journey to study and live in Australia. I was given chance to study abroad, but most importantly to grow up in a new culture. That was the life-changing experience for me. I am lucky enough to come back to the campus again. Education is a lifelong process, no matter in a lecture hall or anywhere in the planet. Work hard to make it happen. My friend, please keep helping others to make their dreams come true.
10 Mar 22
Elaine is a helpful and sincere agent who works beyond her duties. With the support of Elaine, I have received two Master offers from the first-class Universities in Melbourne. When I am struggling with the study decision, Elaine provided me with useful and practical suggestions & waited for my reply patiently. In additions, me & my family has no idea about the VISA application, so with the help of Elaine, I can proceed the application smoothly. Even when I finished the whole application process, Elaine still updates me the useful information for my future study. I really appreciate the professionalism of Elaine who pays many efforts to help the students, I'll definitely refer her to my friends if they need education agent. Wish you all the best ^^
09 Feb 22
06 Feb 22
我女兒從選boarding school 到入左理想學校, GReat Education真是全程投入處理和跟進很貼很好! 我記得申請student visa此部份, 程序繁複而多文件要去梳理看懂, 我基本上消化不了。全靠GReat Education很有耐性一步步幫忙處理. 令女兒很順利取得Visa. 很感謝他們專業和賓至如歸的服務🥰。
03 Feb 22
Elaine was incredibly helpful throughout our preparation process. I felt really secure with Elaine’s help as she was always efficient and transparent throughout our entire process. Not only was she responsive during weekdays, she would take time to reply on weekends too. I appreciate her help a lot and her friendly service made me feel like we’re friends rather than agent and clients! I am really grateful to be able to meet Elaine at this stage of decision making. Thank you!
01 Feb 22
Elaine is a helpful and sincere agent who works beyond her duties. With the support of Elaine, I have received two Master offers from the first-class Universities in Melbourne. When I am struggling with the study decision, Elaine provided me with useful and practical suggestions & waited for my reply patiently. In additions, me & my family has no idea about the VISA application, so with the help of Elaine, I can proceed the application smoothly. Even when I finished the whole application process, Elaine still updates me the useful information for my future study. I really appreciate the professionalism of Elaine who pays many efforts to help the students, I'll definitely refer her to my friends if they need education agent. Wish you all the best ^^
14 Apr 21
I am grateful to have Elaine guiding me throughout my graduate school and visa application process. Her advice and speedy replies to my enquiries have provided me a clear picture of how studying in Australia would be like. Thanks to her guidance, I am accepted by both graduate schools I have applied to and even received a scholarship. The whole application process would not have been that smooth without Elaine’s support.
28 Mar 21
過往從沒有想過讓女兒到海外升讀大學,亦不知出國留學要如何準備,幸好在好朋友介紹下認識Elaine,令女兒可以安心準備升學。從選校選科、報校手續、 簽證申請、海外生活,住宿問題等等,Elaine 都全心全意地提供意見和協助。只在短短兩個月裏,Elaine 已替女兒完成所有手續。現在女兒已順利開始澳洲大學一年級課程,我們衷心感激Elaine 的幫忙和鼓勵,讓女兒順利踏出第一步。
11 Feb 21
I would like to give thanks to Elaine, who helps me a lot in my application for university in Australia. Moving to Australia was a last minute decision, and time was minimal. She was very nice and patient, she helped me organise everything I needed and applied to University for me. She cares about her students a lot. When there was something unexpected with my university enrollment, she responded to me and got in touch with my university immediately. She tried her very best to support me with everything that I might need and kept me updated. I felt so secure with her support, thank you very much!
5 Jan 21
08 Dec 20
I am so lucky to have the assistance of Elaine in taking care of my son’s application for universities in Australia! She is extremely resourceful and is very sincere to everyone. She had a long discussion with my son and gave him plenty of constructive advice before he had made up his mind for the courses to apply. She is tactful and friendly to young people. She has been very attentive to the progress of my son’s application and keep on reminding us of the important dates for various steps of individual university. Apart from thoroughly taking care of every application procedure for him, she has also given lots of encouragement to him during his DSE examination to ease his anxiety. Besides, Elaine is always ready to give her expert advice on almost everything regarding students’ life in Australia. With her great help, my son is accepted by all the top universities in Australia for bachelor course. Elaine has also provided excellent support in the visa application process. Every document has been nicely prepared well in advance that has saved us a lot of time. I am so grateful that Elaine has treated us as genuine friends rather than clients. My heartfelt gratitude to her. I have no reservation in recommending Elaine to any parents whose children are planning to study in Australia.
04 Dec 20
We are totally new to overseas study. We could not have imagined the situation if we didn’t have Elaine guiding us with our son’s university application. She works above and beyond her duty to assist us with every details. My son now even got a scholarship with her energetic effort. Our appreciation can’t be written in “words”. Elaine, Thank you so much! とても感謝しています。 エレーンさん 色々とヘルプしていただき ありがとうございました。
14 Sep 20
Elaine is helpful, resourceful and professional Education Consultant. She is patient and enthusiastic in answering enquiries from students and their parents about education options, career prospects, different sorts of arrangement for overseas studies. Elaine amazed me most by her sincerity and genuine concerns on students. She sends me the updated information about the spread of COVID-19 and analyses the pros and cons of staying or leaving when the pandemic hits globally fiercely. I am grateful for her advice. The relationship does not end along with the completion of student visa. I will turn to Elaine whenever I have questions about overseas education. Elaine is the best, and I am willing to refer her to my friends and parents looking for a reliable and professional education consultant.
12 Sep 20
我係中六才開始考慮報UCAS, 時間挺趕急的。之後經朋友介紹找 Elaine 幫忙。過程中她為我們一一跟進和提醒,讓我們覺得可靠和安心。關心我們的進度和十分盡責。最後雖然未能到英國大學就讀,但是很感謝她一直協助和照顧。多謝Elaine!!
09 Jul 20
兒子在2019年前往澳洲升學的,第一年學期完結後便回港放暑假,回港後不久收到學校電郵通知須要於次日回校補考一科,但時間上基本上不可能做到,由於時間緊迫,暑假後已是新學年,他因為不想再浪費一年時間重讀,唯有選擇報另一間學校繳費留位,但到底都不是他心目中心儀的學校。這件事我與朋友分享後,她立刻為我四出向親友查問,最後向我推薦了 Great Education 的升學顧問 Elaine,我當時立即把Elaine的聯絡電話給了兒子,叫他直接跟Elaine聯絡,他把自己的情況告訴Elaine後,Elaine非常專業,她為兒子提供了很多意見及分析,就算在辦公時間以外亦不計較,幫他向其他學校了解情況,並經常與他保持聯絡,讓他清楚有關進度,希望為兒子爭取到更好的選擇,最終在Elaine的努力下成功為兒子爭取到比之前所選擇更優秀的學校,實在令我們意想不到,若果沒有遇到她,跟本不可能發生。對於Elaine 的專業態度、熱誠和服務效率,我們一家都百份百肯定和十分感激!
09 Jul 20
09 Jun 20
01 Jun 20
Thank you for such for your intimate service with kindness and support you gave to me. I struggled a lot before I went to study aboard, and even had no future directions. Your career facilitation really helped me a lot to clarity my future directions. During my 3 years overseas study journey, you keep staying contact with me. Now, after my 3 years studies, I’m able to graduate smoothly and finished with good grades. I appreciate so much for your help and efforts during the time. I hope everything goes well with you. Many thanks to you, Elaine!!
23 May 20
I was referred to Ms. Elaine by my friend (who had used her service when he came to Australia for high school and university) when I needed to transfer to another university. She provided me with tremendous amount of help throughout the whole process from the university application to student visa application, especially when my previous education provider could not release me from its admission system, and with her contacts she helped me to fast-track the release letter so that my new education provider could issue me a Certificate of Enrolment letter. Ms. Elaine also helped me with my questions in regards to the application and saved me lots of hassle when I was stuck. Thank you so much for helping me, and I would gladly refer Ms. Elaine to my friends and family whoever they need an education agent!
10 Mar 20
My son (aged 13) went to Australia for boarding school in Feb 2020. I had no knowledge about the school application process and school interview, how the boarding school life would be, how to open a bank account in Australia, how to apply and prepare for the student visa and lots of questions. I did not expect my educational consultant to get back to me immediately every time I texted her, however, she always answered my questions promptly with valuable advice whenever she was available. I sincerely appreciate her enthusiasm, dedication and ambition. She is not treating my son as client but treats as her own children. She did not give general advice but the advice which was tailored- made to my son. Now, my son settled in very well in Australia and he enjoys his school life very much. A very caring, friendly and helpful educational consultant can alleviate our worry during our planning for overseas education . We are very grateful for meeting a very good one.
09 Mar 20
I've been using your service for a few years and you have always been extremely supportive and helpful. I always ask you lots of questions and when I encounter any issues and worries about upcoming events for College and University, you can answer nearly all of them, you act like my friend instead of my agent. Huge thanks to you!!
28 Feb 20
When I first wanted to study abroad, I was overwhelmed by the number of things I had to do just for sending my application to the schools I studied in. I was unsure of what to do and didn’t know who to turn to, until my school counsellor referred Miss Elaine to me. You were able to work fast, efficient, and most importantly, you were able to follow up with me step by step while provide kind encouraging words to me in order to calm me down when things went a bit awry during the application process. Thank YOU for helping me out in my time of need. Thank you very much Miss Elaine.
10 Feb 20
03 Dec 19
一直以來都好多謝你對我女兒超一般的著緊,全靠你專業知識及誠懇的態度令我女兒可以順利入到心儀學校,雖然過程有好多阻滯,但你不怕厭煩,一次又一次去幫忙解決,迅速跟學校聯絡安排,甚至假期也為着我女兒的事去粗心,實在感激萬分。 去到當地,你仍然會關心女兒在生活上或學業上任何問題,甚至連她的人生導師也當上,你真係太好了。 遇上你是我和女兒的榮幸,你改變了她,令她找到自己人生目標。多謝你!
02 Dec 19
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Over a year ago, when my daughter told me that she wanted to study aboard, I really had no idea what should I do for her. Thanks God for knowing you at that critical moment. You are so caring and providing us lots of professional advices. Your career facilitation helped us to identify my daughter’s strengths and weaknesses. Thank you for accompanying us to walk through the whole application processes including school applications, IELTS and UKiset preparations, school entrance examinations, interviews, school visit arrangements, etc….. The most important thing has already been quoted in my daughter’s drawing that given to you “Dream makes my life Colourful. The Future is Unknown but Hopeful. Thanks for Making it Happen”. |
10 Sep 19
兒子入讀英國International Year One 感激遇見你!雖然你不是兒子的升學Agent,但在我最無助,最不知所措的時侯, 伸出援手,盡心盡力幫忙,如一盞指路明燈,為我們找出路。你豐富的經驗,快速而有效率聯絡學校,為我們解決問題,你著緊的態度,不下於我, 我心中滿懷感激, 我終於找對了幫手。 你使我感受到什麼是專業和服務精神,和你傾談使我放下心頭大石,知道問題所在,更能掌握形勢,當中我感受到你對工作熱誠, 為人設想的情操。 這次經驗告訴我,如想順利和輕鬆往外國升學,一定要找到一個好升學顧問,幸運地我遇上了你,我仔由於考入大學資格成績的時間跟開學的時問比較接近,一切手續,學校取錄信丶CAS信和Visa都要快速辦理和,但我們的升學顧問卻要我們等上十天以上,還是等,我在忍無可忍的情况下找上了你,你花了六小時跟我和學校聯絡,學校立刻快速回應,如果不是你,阿仔可能要等到明年九月才能開學,還要讀他不喜歡的學科。 全因為你的幫忙,阿仔終於可以如願以償, 如期前往英國讀數學, 他終於放下心頭大石, 有心情跟我們說話了, 全賴有你。 你不單為他的入學而出力, 還一路跟進, 我很感動, 感激你的幫忙。
09 Sep 19
If not because of your patience, passion, and professionalism in education consultancy, I don't think my daughter would have finally chosen to continue her study in Australia . As a parent, we not only need a consultancy service but also a trustworthy partner who can be reached and discussed whenever necessary so as to assist us in making an accurate move. Thank you for your great effort.
08 Sep 19
Thank you for providing me a thorough career planning, it helped me to have a clear direction on my career path. It also gave me an opportunity to study abroad and found a suitable course for myself. I appreciated your caring and kindness on my future pathway and concerned my academic studies.
20 Aug 19
I really wanted to go to the UK to further my studies, but there was a big, big challenge that I need to overcome, before I can take any more steps. I need to achieve an overall score of 5.5 with no band less than 5.0. Before I started IELTS tuition lessons with my tutor, my confidence was low and I only got grade 1 in my DSE English. At the beginning, I thought it was impossible to get 5.5 in one month. I am so glad to share with you that in the end, I achieved a score of 5.5. I am so happy to achieve my target and have taken one big step towards my degree. My IELTS tutor showed me the different modules and explained to me some very useful skills to handle the questions. He also told me the importance of practice and understand the format of the questions. It was very hard work but in the end it was worth it. I know I will need to continue to work hard when I start my study in the UK, otherwise my past hard work will be wasted. Finally, I hope those of you reading this and think if your English is poor, then you should not give up and keep going to achieve what you wish for.
16 Aug 19
Applying to a university can be overwhelming so I would like to thank you for going through the process with me. The advice and back up plans were very sufficient and meticulous, this strengthens my confidence in getting into the first choice. I appreciate so much for the effort and time you put in to help me.
14 Aug 19
I found the career facilitation an enriching experience. Not only was I able to identify my strengths and the careers I was interested in, I could also reflect on the problems one might face while studying aboard. I recommend this career facilitation to those who consider studying aboard as you will have a clear goal afterwards. My career facilitator was able to use cards to help me identify my strengths and weaknesses. His cheerful and light hearted manner made the atmosphere more relaxed which allowed me to share my information without any worries.
04 Jul 19
多謝你對 Roland 學業上的肯定和讚賞,更鼓勵他做兼職,讓他很鼓舞,他從未在讀書方面有過成功感,希望他在第二及第三年的大學生涯上仍找到自信😘😘。 選擇一間正確的學校對一個學生很重要! 感謝遇見到你。
13 Jun 19
要多謝你幫我仔入了一所適合他的學校讀書,令他充滿自信繼續上學! 希望你可以幫到更多好像我仔仔的學生及我這樣濛茶茶的家長,你的幫助對我們很重要。幫助更多青年人找到自己的目標。
04 Jun 19
You’re very caring and always provide good advices. It’s not easy to step out of the comfort zone, but I can feel your passion in being a competent agent, and what you have done is always more than that. You’re reliable and I really appreciate how you put students’ interest in the first place. Hope you find enjoyment and real satisfaction in what you’re doing.
02 May 19
You are always good and being light of God in your professional area. Proud of you in Him
21 Apr 19
I've been struggling with the magnitude of the choice I'll have to make in regards to the direction of life to be pursued. Thank you for guiding me to make the most suitable choice on my own. The session was interactive and insightful which was very rewarding for me. Not only was I able to set a clear goal for myself, but I also gained a better understanding of my abilities and personality throughout the session.
Annie (Cayden, Leeds International Year One)
25 Mar 23
I was very lucky to be introduced to Elaine, who had saved me from a thunder. She patiently walked me through from the beginning of my son’s application until the offer and visa were obtained, in a very short timeline, which indeed exceeded my expectation. She was always attentive and responsive to loads of questions that I raised from day and night. With her professionalism there was not even a hiccup in the entire process and she definitely showed me more than an agent, but a friend. I will surely recommend her services to anyone who needs to study abroad. Thank you so much Elaine. ~ Annie